
Garbage Collection Calendar【2024】ごみカレンダー英語版(English ver.)

ごみは 分別ぶんべつして す 必要ひつようが あります
You Need to Sort Garbage

ごみは 分別ぶんべつ<ごみの 種類しゅるいを けること>して められた ふくろに れて くちを しばり、 ごみステーション<地域ちいきで まっている ごみを てる 場所ばしょ>にしましょう。

When you take out the garbage, please 1) sort them, 2) put them in designated garbage bags, and 3) put them out to the appointed collection spot, Garbage Stations, in your area for collection.

ふくろに はいりきらない ごみは ごみステーションに てることが できません。
清掃工場せいそうこうじょう に 自分じぶんで っていって ください。
※An item that cannot fit into the trash bag cannot be dropped off at the collection spots. You should bring it to the Clean Center by yourself.

Garbage Collection Calendar

んでいる しょに よって ごみを せるが ちがいます。
Depending on where you live, the day you can dispose garbage is different.

自分じぶんの んでいる 地域ちいきの ごみしカレンダーを て、 いつ どんな ごみが せるかを 確認かくにんして ください。
Check the garbage collection calendar in your area to see when and what kind of garbage you can dispose.

カレンダーに いてある 以外いがいには ごみステーションに ごみを すことが できません。
Except on the days written on the calendar, we cannot dispose garbage at the garbage station.

ごみは 45リットルまでの 透明とうめいふくろ を 使つかって してください。
Please dispose garbage using transparent bags up to 45 liters.

garbage calendar district A

garbage calendar district B

Collection day

DistrictWaste CategoriesCollection DayDisposable timeGarbage collection station

[District A]


Recyclable garbage


From 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM on the day Recyclable garbage collection station
Burnable garbage Every Monday & Thursday Until 8:30 AM on the day Local collection point
Non-burnable garbage (1st)Wednesday Until 8:30 AM on the day Local collection point
PET bottles (3rd)Wednesday Until 8:30 AM on the day Local collection point
Plastic conteiners & Packaging Every Friday Until 8:30 AM on the day Local collection point

[District B]

小松(Komatsu)・大丸(Daimaru)・小園(Kozono)・中山(Nakayama)・城屋敷(Jouyashiki)・五十鈴(Isuzu)・南ヶ丘(Minamigaoka)・南町(Minamimachi)・尾末東(Ozue-higashi)・ 旭町(Asahimachi)・中尾(Nakao)・後向(Ushiromuki)・下納屋(Shimonaya)・平城東(Hirajou-higashi)・平城西(Hirajou-nishi)・梅ノ木(Umenoki)・松瀬(Matsuze)・三ヶ瀬(Sangase)・上井野(Uwaino)・大内原(Ouchibaru)・城ヶ丘(Jougaoka)

Recyclable garbage (4th)Wednesday From 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM on the day Recyclable garbage collection station
Burnable garbage Every Tuesday & Friday Until 8:30 AM on the day Local collection point
Non-burnable garbage (1st)Wednesday Until 8:30 AM on the day Local collection point
PET bottles (3rd)Wednesday Until 8:30 AM on the day Local collection point
Plastic conteiners & Packaging Every Thursday Until 8:30 AM on the day Local collection point

How to deliver garbage to Clean Center

You may deliver your garbage to the facility directly. Only garbage generated in Kadogawa town will be accepted.

Please get "Garbage import permission at Kadogawa town office "⑪Kankyo-Suido Ka"(Environment and Water supply section) for free before you go to Clean Center.

清掃工場せいそうこうじょうへの搬入可能日はんにゅうかのうび搬入時間はんにゅうじかんDate and time of delivery to the Clean Center

Mon. - Fri, Sun. 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

※Garbage is not accepted on Saturdays, national holidays, and year-end and New Year holidays.

Address : 7546-4 Oazakadogawaozue, Kadogawa-Cho, Miyazaki

※ When you search using the map app, please enter "Kadogawa clean center".

Clean Center.JPGClean Center 内部.JPG


環境水道課   環境係(Environment section)


メールによるお問い合わせは こちら



